
CIMI Energy adds value to your organization through a commitment to reducing your energy costs, and making that process as smooth and as easy as possible. Services are a key element of CIMI Energy’s capabilities, including analysis of energy consumption, and evaluating energy assets. Written reports are also available to meet organizational demands for progress toward sustainability.

CIMI Energy’s services address all of the factors that drive your energy related costs:

  • Oil, gas, district steam, etc. — solutions that reduce demand and increase efficiency
  • Power, kWH costs — solutions that reduce unit costs
  • Power, demand charges — with peak load reduction solutions
  • Maintenance, repair, and insurance — solutions that reduce these costs
  • Financial considerations — creative financial solutions

Types of systems

CIMI Energy helps with many types of energy systems, including:

  • Hydronic (water-based) heating and cooling
  • Steam heating
  • Purchased power
  • On-site power generation
  • District heating and cooling
  • Energy storage


Where there are utility or government incentives, CIMI Energy can help you to take advantage.  Incentives can come in the form of grants, tax credits, tax deductions, accelerated depreciation, and more.


Stakeholders take an interest in knowing about building expenses and environmental performance.  Business owners, boards of directors, condo associations, municipal governments, investors, and others have an interest in the bottom line of buildings.   Reports can include benchmarking, progress reports, and environmental concerns.